Starting From Scratch When You're Single Again - Paperback By Sharon Knudson, and Mary Fran Heitzman

Starting From Scratch When You're Single Again - Paperback By Sharon Knudson, and Mary Fran Heitzman



Starting From Scratch When You're Single Again - Paperback by Sharon Knudson, Mary Fran Heitzman

You're suddenly single again. What do you do now? Where do you turn? Starting From Scratch When You're Single Again serves up poignant stories from twenty-three widowed or divorced women who survived a horrific deathblow to their dreams for a happy, secure future. Somehow, with white-knuckle faith, each one found enough strength in themselves and in their God to move forward. Let each woman's story and the guiding principles she offers be an encouragement to you, and as a bonus, let the taste and aroma of her favorite recipe comfort and nourish your soul. Paperback.


price/NGR 2,500.00
