Getting Ready for the Wedding  By Les Parrott

Getting Ready for the Wedding By Les Parrott



Getting Ready for the Wedding Paperback by Les Parrott 

How do we know when we're ready for marriage? What's the secret to having a great engagement? How can we get married without drowning in debt? Where better to turn for answers than those who have gone before--experts in the area of marriage, relationships, and finance who know from experience what it takes to make the days leading up to the wedding (and the years that follow) a success!

  • How to Know When You're Ready for Marriage--Les and Leslie Parrot
  • Secrets to Having a Great Engagement--David and Claudia Arp
  • Getting Married Without Drowning in Debt--Ron Blue
  • What to Do With Wedding Jitters--Robert and Rosemary Barnes
  • Making Your Wedding More Than a Ceremony--David and Jan Stoop
  • How to Have a Great Wedding Night--Cliff and Joyce Penner
  • Getting Married When Your Parents Don't Approve--John Trent
  • How to Handle the Wedding Bell Blues--H. Norman Wright
  • For Those Getting Married Again--Thom Whiteman
  • After the Honeymoon--Les and Leslie Parrott


price/NGR 500.00
