Real U Guide to Your First Job (Real U Guides) Paperback By Meagan Hassell

Real U Guide to Your First Job (Real U Guides) Paperback By Meagan Hassell




Real U Guide to Your First Job (Real U Guides) Paperback By Meagan Hassell 

Put on a clean shirt and get ready to take the job market by storm. This guide is filled with advice that makes the whole job search process less terrifying, including savvy tips on:

  • How to write a great résumé
  • What to wear to every kind of interview
  • How to network like a pro
  • How to turn an internship into a real job
  • When and how to turn down job offers
Written with the humor and insight that comes from years of personal experience in the job market, the Real U Guide to Your First Job not only shows you how to maximize the chances that you’ll be hired but also offers excellent advice about how to keep your job, once you’re employed, and–best of all–how to get a raise in 3 months.

The guide has all the standard Real U earmarks–a hip attitude combined with excellent common-sense advice, all presented in colorful magazine-style layouts that are fun to read and easy to digest. Takes the fear factor out of job hunting.


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