Folk Remedy Encyclopedia by Maurine H. Beasley

Folk Remedy Encyclopedia by Maurine H. Beasley



Folk Remedy Encyclopedia by Maurine H. Beasley

Did you know that you can prevent high blood pressure, breast and colon cancer, senility and fragile bones all with one - yes, one - inexpensive daily supplement that keeps you healthy and strong? Or that there's a natural way to rejuvenate your veins and arteries that can have you feeling brand new? And I'll bet you didn't know that you can overcome pain - even chronic pain - with nature's secrets to pain-free living.

These are just a few of the fascinating natural cures and expert advice revealed in the pages of The Folk Remedy Encyclopedia: Olive Oil, Vinegar, Honey and 1,001 Other Home Remedies. Page after page of this essential home reference book is filled with time-honored and up-to-the-minute solutions to your most common health concerns, from Alzheimers and allergies to urinary incontinence and wrinkles. And because our information comes from top medical journals, world-class research centers and top professionals in the field of natural medicine, you can be confident you'll find remedies that work!

Discover a delicious way to help your body eliminate toxins and harmful micro-organisms. Read the astonishing news about eleven effective remedies that can actually improve your memory. And uncover the simple secrets of people who live longer and stay healthier ... that won't cost a penny to add to your life!

You'll be amazed by how many inexpensive, easy, natural cures you can find all around you - in your pantry, garden and grocery store. Read about them all in The Folk Remedy Encyclopedia, and start feeling better, today!


price/NGR 2,500.00
